Thursday, October 21, 2010

XC70 ball joint and more

Over the weekend, I replaced driver side front control arm, tie rod ends and ball joint of my 2002 Volvo XC70.

It was pretty clear to me ball joint and tie rod ends needed replacement. Wheel was kind of rattling. Tie rod end rubber casing was cracked. Control arm was kind of on the edge. I decided to replace it for three reasons. First, passenger side control arm bushing went south about 2 years ago, you would imagine drive side wouldn't last very long. Second, there was a tiny crack on the rear bushing. Third, I was going to replace ball joint anyway..... I bought whole control arm even though theoretically I could buy bushings only. Some research revealed pressing bushings in and out was no easy job so I spent the extra 100 bucks.

Let's get started. Some disclaimer first. All pictures were taken while I put things back together. So don't be surprised by those brand new shining parts. Additional photos are here.

First is caliper and ABS sensor, standard stuff.

Second is tie rod ends, pretty easy. Only trick is counting how many turns it takes. When you put on the new one, same number of turns so you don't screw up alignment too badly. (You need an alignment after this no matter what).

Next step is loose the ball joint nut so ball joint (and wheel spindle it attaches to) is detached from control arm. When you put on new one, be careful don't twist the ball joint rubber casing.

Following one is detaching wheel spindle from struts. Locate the two big bolts on first picture. Now you can take wheel spindle off.

Next step is control arm itself. Two bolts in front bushing and one in rear bushing.

The very last step of taking things apart is taking ball joint out of wheel spindle. Use a big screw driver and a hammer working on the flange of ball joint.

I am so relieved to see old ball joint out of wheel spindle with new ball joint next to it.

By now you take taken everything apart. You don't see following photos very often, I think. Let's enjoy while we can.

It is time to put them back.

Use a ball joint press borrowed from autozone, press new ball joint into wheel spindle. Be careful with bolts alignment!!! You basically only have one chance.

New joint installed!

Put ever thing back in following order: control arm, wheel spindle with new ball joint, tie rod ends, caliper and ABS sensor.

Don't forget alignment!!!

Two tricks I have learned. First, when you tighten up nuts of ball joint and tie rod ends, hold bolt with allen wrench/regular wrench so rubber casings don't get twisted. Second, count turns when you take off  and put on tie rod ends so you don't screw up alignment too badly.

Last point, whenever you work on suspension or steering, get a air powered impact wrench (and a decent one). Don't cheap out on tools. They make huge differences.

The very last step of every job is always a beer. I prefer Samuel Adams Octoberfest in this season. If you don't like fixing cars, at least beer is our commonality. Cheers!

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